Easter at St. Matt’s 2022

This Easter, we are looking forward to celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection together. 
Most of our services over Easter will be both in church and online. Please do join us if you can.

  • Palm Sunday Family Service (10th April) – 10am in church and online. An all-age service thinking about Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem as a servant King.
  • Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service (14th April – 8pm in church only. This is an opportunity to reflect on the events of the start of the Easter weekend and take communion together.
  • Good Friday Family Worship (15th April) – 10am in church and online. An all-age service reflecting on Jesus’ journey to the cross.
  • Easter Sunday Family Celebration (17th April) – 10am in church and online. Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection!


Join us online

If you would like to join us online for any of our services, you can watch on our Facebook page or our Youtube channel.

Attending in church

If you are coming to any of our services in church, there are no longer any Covid restrictions.
We have our chairs spaced out and we will ventilate the building as much as we can.
If you would still like to wear a face mask, please feel free to do so.